Our Partners Are Here To Serve

Are you in need of help?

We have partnered with churches and agencies to direct you to get the help you need.

If you are in need of emergency help, please call 911

In order to be eligible for help, a recipient must contact and visit one of our partners.

Our partners are listed below and located throughout the community.

How it Works:

  • Make contact with one of our partners listed below, and they will discuss your need with you.
  • If they can help, and the services are available, you will receive a voucher for a specific service at a specific business.
  • You can then proceed to that business for the service, no charge.

A recipient should not show up to a business without a voucher, as they will not receive free services.

Be aware that not all services are available at all times. At this time, our resources are limited. Our aim is to help as many people as possible.

Our Partners:

Journey Church
3782 Bank St.
Kingman, AZ 86409
Annie's Art Attic
2575 Northern Ave.
Kingman, AZ 86409
Searching for His Sheep
3886 Castle Rock
Kingman, AZ 86409

Si hablas espanol y necesitas ayuda contacta:
Casa de Oracion
Kingman, AZ
Casa de Oracion on facebook
Jaime C. (928)897-3835