How to Become a Provider of Acts of Kindness

We would like to provide an opportunity for businesses to give back to the community. Sometimes it is hard to know who to help and when to help. We want to help you with that.

We will find the people who have needs in the community from the young to the elderly, and offer the service that they need most. We are asking you provide some services, and we will find the person in need of that service.

Then we will give them a voucher for a service from you

The way this is accomplished is that we contact the various agencies where people go for services in order to find those in need. We give them a voucher for your services, and they bring the voucher in to you to complete the service.

In this way, the connection is complete. If you are interested, Please fill out the form below and let us know what services you can sponsor.

Thank you!

If you prefer not to use the form below, you can email us directly at: